來聽聽資深登山愛好者 Travis 的分享

感謝O2U的愛用者Travis 分享這些美麗的照片!😍真的把台灣拍的非常美!Travis 是長期在台灣到處冒險的資深登山愛好者,將台灣的山脈當作寶一樣珍惜,邊爬邊享受,台灣的美景!不過Travis 分享到,台灣到處都是美不勝收的景觀,但想要極致地享受這些美,您可能會需要面臨到 悶熱、 潮濕、高海拔缺氧。像他在享受台灣美景的同時,他會隨身攜帶一瓶O2U幫助他保持順暢舒適高含氧的呼吸,一口O2U,解決台灣悶熱潮濕缺氧的登山不適! 非常感謝有像Travis 這樣認同O2U品牌價值的登山愛好者,一起推廣!隨身氧氣瓶,並不是急救用品,而更像是能量棒、礦泉水一樣,的登山能量補給神器,特別是在高海拔地區享受美景,登山就是要來帶一瓶O2U 💙 O2U is an essential supplement for mountaineering, Pro Mountaineer like Travis highly recommend O2U, it is a product you must have to be equipped well, so that you could enjoy the best of Taiwan’s scenery !😍 Thank you Travis @vanmantaiwan for sharing these amazing photo, and thank you for supporting O2U! Taiwan’s beauty is unending. But in order to enjoy that beauty you have to fight heat, humidity and altitude. On days like this I grab a bottle of @o2u_official to catch my breath back. #vanmantaiwan #matchamountain #yilan #hikingadventures #hiking #hikingculture #outdoors #taiwantravel #yolo #o2u隨身氧氣瓶 #運動必備 #登山必備 #快速恢復 #氧氣補給 #活力滿滿alltoyou#氧氣#Oxygen#

